Net Emissions/Removals of Carbon Dioxide from Grasslands (in Gigagrams)

Grassland CO2 Emissions By Country September 2022

Playstation 5 Amazon
Country Gigagrams
1 Indonesia 12150.9
2 United States 6695.6
3 Zambia 4317.7
4 Cambodia 3285.2
5 Philippines 2919.1
6 Laos 2520.7
7 Argentina 1350.2
8 Malaysia 1161.7
9 Mexico 1106.8
10 United Kingdom 1103.1
11 Myanmar 1022.8
12 Bangladesh 904.4
13 New Zealand 841.3
14 Madagascar 811.4
15 Tanzania 777.6
16 Ireland 687.6
17 Mozambique 662
18 Ethiopia 621.2
19 Australia 593.1
20 Sudan 576.2
21 Germany 560
22 Burundi 473.8
23 Pakistan 443.3
24 France 415.4
25 Nepal 381.2
26 Mali 363.6
27 Chad 327.9
28 Poland 327.4
29 Uganda 322.8
30 Russia 313
31 India 310.7
32 Kazakhstan 292.1
33 Sri Lanka 279
34 Belarus 261.2
35 Hungary 251
36 Brazil 248.2
37 Canada 213.6
38 Burkina Faso 193
39 Norway 192.2
40 Netherlands 191.9
41 Niger 184
42 South Africa 177.7
43 Thailand 172.8
44 Venezuela 168.6
45 Colombia 157.4
46 Finland 139.7
47 Sweden 135.6
48 Japan 126.1
49 Rwanda 120.4
50 Guinea 106
51 Ukraine 97.4
52 Bolivia 91.2
53 Greece 75.8
54 China 63.6
55 Uruguay 60.8
56 Panama 57
57 Nigeria 56.2
58 Spain 53.9
59 Bulgaria 53.5
60 Morocco 50.8
61 Portugal 47.5
62 Algeria 39.8
63 Romania 27.6
64 Costa Rica 26.8
65 Malawi 25.4
66 Senegal 25.3
67 Chile 24
68 Uzbekistan 22.8
69 Angola 22.1
70 Guatemala 21.5
71 Denmark 21.2
71 Honduras 21.2
72 Switzerland 19.3
73 Italy 19
73 Paraguay 19
74 Kenya 17.9
75 Ivory Coast 16.4
76 DR Congo 13.3
77 Belgium 11.6
78 Ecuador 11.5
79 Nicaragua 10.2
80 Austria 10.1
81 Cameroon 9.9
82 Tunisia 8.2
83 Tajikistan 7.9
84 Egypt 6.8
85 Ghana 6.2
86 Benin 6.1
87 Azerbaijan 5.3
87 Peru 5.3
88 Botswana 4.5
89 Togo 4.2
90 Czech Republic 4
90 Vietnam 4
91 Dominican Republic 0.8
91 Haiti 0.8
92 Slovakia 0.7
93 South Korea 0.3
94 Serbia 0.1
95 Qatar 0
95 United Arab Emirates 0
95 Kuwait 0
95 Saudi Arabia 0
95 Bahrain 0
95 Singapore 0
95 Oman 0
95 Turkey 0
95 Israel 0
95 El Salvador 0
95 Jordan 0
95 Yemen 0
95 Syria 0
95 Sierra Leone 0

Data from The Economist

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