Natural Gas Reserves By Country

Natural Gas Reserves By Country December 2022

Playstation 5 Amazon
Country Cubic Meter
1 Russia 47805215000000
2 Iran 33987296000000
3 Qatar 23860500000000
4 United States 13178780000000
5 Turkmenistan 11326720000000
6 Saudi Arabia 9422812000000
7 China 6654250000000
8 United Arab Emirates 6090887000000
9 Nigeria 5760883000000
10 Uzbekistan 5673894000000
11 Venezuela 5673894000000
12 Algeria 4503900000000
13 Iraq 3728926000000
14 Australia 3228115000000
15 Mozambique 2831680000000
16 Kazakhstan 2406928000000
17 Canada 2067126000000
18 Egypt 1783958000000
19 Kuwait 1783958000000
20 Azerbaijan 1699000000000
21 Norway 1544455000000
22 Libya 1504868000000
23 Indonesia 1408478000000
24 India 1380614000000
25 Malaysia 1189306000000
26 Ukraine 1104355000000
27 Vietnam 699425000000
28 Oman 651286000000
29 Myanmar 637128000000
30 Pakistan 592218000000
31 Yemen 478554000000
32 Argentina 396464000000
33 Brazil 363984000000
34 Angola 343001000000
35 Bolivia 302990000000
36 Peru 300158000000
37 Republic of the Congo 283989000000
38 Syria 240693000000
39 United Kingdom 180661000000
40 Mexico 180321000000
41 Israel 176017000000
42 Thailand 138243000000
43 Cameroon 135071000000
44 Netherlands 132608000000
45 Bangladesh 126293000000
46 Romania 105480000000
47 Philippines 98542000000
48 Chile 97976000000
49 Poland 91492000000
50 Colombia 87782000000
51 Sudan 84950000000
52 Bahrain 81382000000
53 Cuba 70792000000
54 Tunisia 65129000000
55 Namibia 62297000000
56 Afghanistan 49554000000
57 Serbia 48139000000
58 Italy 45760000000
59 New Zealand 31148000000
60 Denmark 29534000000
61 Ivory Coast 28317000000
62 Mauritania 28317000000
63 Gabon 25995000000
64 Croatia 24919000000
65 Ethiopia 24919000000
66 Germany 23390000000
67 Ghana 22653000000
68 Japan 20898000000
69 Slovakia 14158000000
70 Uganda 14158000000
71 Ecuador 10902000000
72 Ireland 9911000000
73 Georgia 8495000000
74 France 7787000000
75 South Korea 7079000000
76 Tanzania 6513000000
77 Taiwan 6230000000
78 Jordan 6031000000
79 Albania 5692000000
80 Bulgaria 5663000000
81 Kyrgyzstan 5663000000
82 Somalia 5663000000
83 Tajikistan 5663000000
84 Austria 5040000000
85 Czech Republic 3964000000
86 Turkey 3794000000
87 Hungary 3738000000
88 Belarus 2832000000
89 Spain 2549000000
90 Morocco 1444000000
91 Benin 1133000000
92 DR Congo 991000000
93 Greece 991000000

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